The first and only online weight-loss course designed specifically to resolve obesity in adulthood as a result of childhood trauma
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The Body As A Sacred Space is the only online weight-loss course designed specifically for the over six million (in America alone) persons who have unconsciously used obesity as a cloaking device to feel safe in their own bodies.
If you were raised in an environment of mental, emotional or physical childhood trauma, your continued use of childhood survival mechanisms is most likely your largest obstacle to happiness in adulthood. You may have already discovered that diet and exercise programs are ineffective for you, as a stand-alone solution, for those who use obesity as insulation from what they subconsciously perceive as a threatening world. No matter how badly you may consciously wish to be fit and trim, your traumatized subconscious may be convinced otherwise. Your subconscious beliefs will compel you to consciously do whatever it has determined will work best to keep you safe.
Until you succeed in permanently calming your nervous system, shift your focus to first tuning-in to your own-- needs, desires, creativity and pleasure (instead of being hyper-focused on people-pleasing and gaining approval) and learn how to de-stress as a way of life, you cannot feel safe in your own skin. Which means, your subconscious is not going to cooperate with permanent weight-loss until you show yourself some authentic loving treatment.
The Body As A Sacred Space course addresses and resolves each of those issues and others that you probably do not even suspect are related to the psychological, physical and emotional wounding of your childhood, which still affects you in adulthood today.
The obesity-childhood trauma correlation has been recognized for nearly 40 years! In the mid-1980s Dr. Robert Anda, a medical epidemiologist at the Center for Disease Control, called the obesity-childhood trauma connection:
After surveying for the childhood trauma experiences of over 17,000 Kaiser Permanente members, Dr. Anda crafted the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Questionnaire which contains 10 of the most frequently mentioned childhood traumas by those surveyed. He concluded that ACEs were the most influential determinants of a person's health and social/emotional well-being.
Below, you can view the Course Curriculum and preview the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Questionnaire (included in Lesson 1) and answer the questions for yourself, which may help you determine if this is an appropriate course for you. It's important to note that the scope of childhood trauma is not limited to only the types listed on the ACEs Questionnaire.
Many of us experienced childhood trauma outside the home environment and these experiences also validate the obesity-childhood trauma correlation. Some other examples of trauma are: bullying, sexual abuse, being exposed to violence, drugs, drinking, humiliation, fearful situations and numerous other traumatizing events. In the end, only you can determine if you experienced trauma as a child.
I know this is scary. But so is lugging all that fear around. Do you really want to do that your entire life?
I didn't think so.
Take a deep breath and let's go. I am only ever an email away and you can ask any questions you wish.
I'll see you in the course!
P.S. You can read excerpts from my book WORTHY A Personal Guide For Healing Your Childhood Trauma in the blog posts at
Your Instructor
Your instructor for The Body As A Sacred Space, Josephine Faulk, MPH, holds a Master's in Public Health (MPH) with a research focus on childhood trauma recovery in adulthood. Her academic training, her own lifelong struggle with the repercussions of childhood trauma and her inspiring recovery have coalesced in her book WORTHY A Personal Guide for Healing Your Childhood Trauma and its companion Workbook of the same title. After seven years of research and writing, culminating in the publication of WORTHY, her professional focus has now turned to what Dr. Robert Anda, a prominent physician and epidemiologist with the Center for Disease Control, has called the obesity--childhood trauma correlation, "A Chronic Public Health Disaster."